Category: Linux

Wednesday Weekly Links for November 13, 2013

Welcome back to Wednesday Weekly Links, where we scour the Internet and other sources for news items that are often overlooked.  This week, we focus on innovation in computer software and a change at a major software company as well as pro wrestling, a government agency, and a really strange 911 call.


  • Microsoft Drops Reward and Curve System (MaximumPC): Microsoft is scrapping the curve system, because it caused a bit of tension between employees.  Emphasis is going to be placed on team work and employee growth and development.
  • Fedora 20 Goes Beta (ZDNet): Nicknamed “Heisenbug,” the beta release of version 20 of Red Hat’s community oriented operating system brings enhancements to virtualization and clouds, updated development software, GNOME 3.10, and an added emphasis on the ARM architecture.  Hat tip to Steven J. Vaughn-Nicols
  • More AMD Patches Released (Phoronix): Those who follow hardware-based encryption solutions and use Linux may be jumping for joy at this.  AMD has released drivers for a Cryptographic Coprocessor.  A variety of encryption standards is supported through said driver including SHA and AES among others.  Hat tip to Michael Larabel.


Overlooked Pop Culture

Issue #6 Hot Off The Digital Press!

Toshiba Tecra M9
I acquired a new system via E-Bay and am trying to make it useful.

The sixth issue of the digital magazine is available for download.  The Toshiba Tecra M9 has been adopted and is being brought back to life.  Netrunner OS is evaluated for this year’s DistroJourney series and Thomas reconnects with his inner geek.


DistroJourney 2013: Netrunner OS is an Ubuntu-based system that uses KDE.  How does it stack up in terms of performance?  Find out in this issue.

Overlooked Pop Culture

The college anime club that Thomas was a part has gone through a significant transformation.  They are now known as the Animation Culture Society.  The student organization has grown and is allying itself with other groups.

Click here to download Issue 6 of the magazine.