By Thomas Holbrook II
I remember the good old days of relying on Microsoft. I used everything from Windows to Office. I even used Visual Basic for a while.
The problem is that said software costs several hundred dollars in the U.S. alone. Even the subscription model can get expensive after a while.
That’s why so called “software piracy” has run rampant throughout the years. While many would love for companies and individuals to be compensated for the work done, bending them over and violating their hind quarters without so much as a happy reach around was not a good incentive to be “moral and ethical” about installing software.
Then again, this is the same organization that referred to ACTA as a treaty, when in fact it wasn’t. Since they do tend to act like a mafia, it shouldn’t be too surprising.

So there I was on my lunch quietly scrolling through Facebook when something showed up on my feed that caused me to die a little on the inside. The big push is for people to turn others in for cash rewards.
This reminded me of another ad that got trolled. Instead of an actor who was blown up to look like Hercules through the magic of photo editing, we have, “Hey! Snitch on others you know for money! Yeah! Money!”
Needless to say, the ad didn’t go over well.

From being called scum to being asked if they’d pay for a person’s software if they turned themselves in, is a clear demonstration that the people at the BSA are not the brightest stars in the sky.
Why in the world would they pay for an ad on Facebook?
Who knows. Maybe they just want to throw everything out there and see what sticks. At the end of the day, BSA is this week’s Friday Epic Fail!