Ah, the month of February. Cupid is in the air, and love is all around us. Sometimes that feeling shows itself in strange ways, especially this week.
There’s creative amusing love, reciprocated love, tough love, and more. This week, we’ll explore a few examples both in the technology and pop culture realms.
- Nixie Pixel: Her site is full of tech, video games, and all around nerdiness. After seeing her respond on Slashdot to both positive and negative comments, it was only fitting to have her site linked this week.
Well articulated defense! - Toshiba Chromebook Hits the Scene (MaximumPC): Google’s cloud-based OS is finding itself on more devices. Toshiba’s offering is Intel-based and has a 720p webcam, which means high quality video for YouTube. One can either get it from the company for $300 USD or from other venues for $280 USD when it becomes available.
- The Day the Light Came On for Eddie (FOSS Force): Ken “helios” Starks tells the story of a teen wanting to learn Python as well as an offer made to a family member regarding their GPA and a new computer. It’s a heart warming story.
Overlooked Pop Culture
- Maddox Responds to Backlash Against Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola’s Super Bowl ad with America the Beautiful being sung in multiple languages has caused quite a stir. Maddox responds with an image of his own, and sometimes pictures are worth a thousand words. It’s well worth the read, especially given the hypocrisy of today’s society.
- Maddox Responds to “Inspiration:” Why link to his site twice in the same week? Simple. He’s Maddox. While there are times for inspiration and positive thinking, people sometimes take things a bit too far as he illustrates in his piece against the motivational speaking industry.
- Snow Day Announced Creatively (KSHB): Tim Reves, the Principal of Cedar Creek Elementary announced a snow day over the phone to his students to the tune of What Does the Fox Say. Needless to say, nobody asked how Reves felt.