Thomas Holbrook II | The *Nixed Report

I was in high school walking back to class from a restroom break when I heard the news of the twin towers being struck. The day went from being normal to surreal in a matter of moments.
Learning the rest of the day was going to be out of the question.
At one of the computer classes I was in at a vocational school that was partnered with my high school, we watched the news. We were in awe and terrified as the twin towers came down.
I was emotionally numb about the event for several days.
When the numbness began to wear off, I became uneasy as the Patriot Act was passed into law. The next thing I knew, talks of Saddam Hussein and weapons of mass destruction entered the news cycle.
The former Iraqi President was dealt with more swiftly, even though he had nothing to do with 9/11, than Osama bin Laden.
Today is a reminder of the thing that we have forgotten.
We must not let fear prevent ourselves from speaking up. Traditional media has had too many failures in the past, which is why there is so much distrust now. Crying wolf one time too many has its price.
Due to circumstances in my life and too much negativity, I stepped away from this project as the motivation was just not there.
I’ve concluded that the time has come to bring back The *Nixed Report.
There will be plenty of discussion of things that are not always for the faint of heart. At the same time, I’ve learned that a hard price is paid for taking things too seriously. When people say they get four hours of sleep a night or less as they grow less and less sane, it should be obvious that they are about to crack.
While not everything in life is a joke, being able to laugh is important; even if it’s at ourselves occasionally.
The magazine will be returning next week and will be on sale. The first issue will be free for everyone, and copying will be encouraged. I want the word to get out.
The idea will be to sell copies as well.
They can either be purchased off the website directly or through various crowdfunding platforms such as Patreon. Since choice is important when it comes to media consumption, multiple platforms will be available as well.
Publishing again for the sake of it isn’t a part of the mission statement.
The website, the magazine, and other media published will also serve as teaching tools as well so that others who want to know how to build an independent media venue will have a place to start. A store front with tools, supplies, and learning materials will also be provided as well in the future to help fund this project and help others learn about media creation.
Finally, having fun will be of the utmost importance.
If I don’t enjoy doing this, then there won’t be any point to it. I’m looking forward to rebuilding this brand into something better. Stay tuned.
P.S. Fuck Paul Isaac Jr.