By Thomas Holbrook II
Ironically, the subject matter is brought up again in the same week. Is it the contents of the latest podcast episode?
Maybe something about GMO’s and bees? Bitcoin?
Unfortunately, it’s a subject involving something that’s less important than all of the above. I of course am speaking of Justin Bieber.
Or rather, the petition to have him deported.
To make a long story short as to why said petition is up, here’s a link that will give you an idea of what’s going on. Something about drugs, alcohol, and other things. To shorten it even further, I have five words:
Are you fucking kidding me?!
We have the controversy surrounding the NSA and wiretapping. There’s that chaos over in the Ukraine. But no! Let’s focus on yet another celebrity having a breakdown.
At least when Alex Jones and Kurt Nimmo had their petition to deport Piers Morgan, there was an actual purpose to it (hint: if you say it was to deport Morgan, then you haven’t been paying attention).
There are more important things out there, and that’s why this petition makes this week’s Friday Epic Fail.