The Frustration of Injury
Thomas Holbrook II | The *Nixed Report

The WWE is often seen as the hallmark of Pro Wrestling careers, but it can also be frustrating and disappointing. If a star with potential doesn’t get a big break, then one who is about to gets injured instead.
Such is the case with Finn Balor.
After coming back from an injury, he apparently suffered a concussion at the hands of Jinder Mahal. This could mean that he’s out of action for even longer before being able to come back.
The reason fans get frustrated with situations like this is due to the fact that potential feuds are passed over due to such circumstances.
It further illustrates the reason why there needs to be more intermediary organizations that are organic so that more training grounds exist. The unfortunate reality of the NWA diminishing is that such training grounds went away.
Though the likes of Jim Cornette and others have tried to re-create these environments, they don’t always last either due to finances or behind the scenes politics.
Though NXT is a great start, that brand only holds those who have already been in the indy promotions and aren’t far from the twilight of their careers. Look at AJ Styles and Bobby Roode as they are practically in their 40’s.
What companies like the WWE need are more home grown talent and in order to accomplish this, they will have to franchise other brands in order to do so.
Otherwise, they’ll keep running into the issue of a diminishing main roster plagued with injuries and frustrated fans.