Friday Roundup: May 12, 2017
Thomas Holbrook II | The *Nixed Report
After taking care of some personal matters, I decided it was best to simply make this week’s roundup about the future of the website. Thinking such things through is a good idea before moving forward.
I haven’t pushed the Patreon Campaign hard, because the audience isn’t there yet.
The Invest page does have a link to that page as well as PayPal. There are those who may not be comfortable with either option, and that is understandable. More options will be added in the future.
I don’t want this venue to simply aggregate news from other places.
Original content is a must, so I am working on it. I have not had the chance to do a full review of the current generation of the Meerkat from System76. It is an interesting piece of machinery to say the least.
As for the podcast, it’s still in the cards with the possibility of something special in the near future.
In the meantime, the YouTube Channel needs more than just podcast episodes. I am formulating plans to put together small mini-documentaries.
Even if our channel is not deemed “advertiser friendly,” content will still be published there for pure enjoyment.
As for the digital magazine, I have been torn on it. On the one hand, all digital has been a thing for quite some time. On the other hand, there is still value in printing things out.
I may revisit an idea that I had a long time ago to ooerate in the best of both worlds.
For now, stay tuned. There are lots of exciting changes down the road, and I hope you join all of us for this amazing journey.