The Next Level

One of the things that has become apparent in the last several months is that we live in interesting times. The things that we thought weren’t possible have become the inevitable.
It feels like we’re living in a real life Twilight Zone.
As we continue the new year, new challenges arise. In order to better cover the topics that fascinate us and hold our passion, we need to be able to step it up. That requires money.
The first goal is to make sure the web hosting can handle the files and traffic we throw at it. The reason why we host each episode ourselves is because we also want our site to get more traffic.
That won’t happen if the podcast is hosted off the site.
If we reach $100 a month, hosting will be upgraded. With better hosting, we’ll be able to have more traffic. From there, further goals will include upgrading our recording equipment and even investing in a dedicated studio.
The studio is a long term goal and won’t be reached for a while.
In the meantime, feel free to share our Patreon page, and become a patron today.